EOL Announcement

BMP-2 (BioMini Plus 2)
Apr 05, 2024

Suprema will discontinue the sales of BMP-2.

BMP-2 will be replaced with its successor, BMS-2 (BioMini Slim 2) which has an enhanced performance and extended feature set such as automated power saving with it’s 13.5mm slim sensor, advanced Live Finger Detection and FAP20 certificate.

Detailed Information

Product Model Successor Last Order End of Service
BioMini Plus 2 BMP-2 BMS-2 Until the BMP-2 inventory runs out
(Expected by 2Q, 2024)
2Q, 2027

Suprema will continually strive to improve and streamline its products to best suit your needs.
Please contact your account manager for detailed information or additional inquiries.